Click on the map below for all measurements, elevations, etc.
We are happy to work with Realtors!
We would encourage you to take a tour of the development with Rauncie, the developer, before showing the site to potential clients. This way, she can show you nearby attractions and explain the ongoing infrastructure and future plans for the development.
To schedule a meeting on site with Rauncie, please call 306-717-3400
Please be aware that the BSDA requirements are applicable in private lot sales, with a realtor, or any other transaction. Ensure you review these requirements prior to purchase. Each lot has a single membership with the Sandy Shores Community Association (SSRCA) the membership is transferred with any title change and we ask the the realtor / lot owner contact email SSRCA details including: possession date, lot owner names, and contact details. RM of Coteau Bylaws also apply.